Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Continuing Education for Counselors - Benefits of Online CEUs

Continuing education for counselors (LPC, LPCC, LCP, and MHC) not only enriches the licensed counselor's practice but also satisfies individual state requirements for counselor CEUs for license renewals. These requirements are not only intended to keep the counselor up with the latest trends in the field but to update them on the latest risks and treatment options regardless of when they first began to practice or their field of expertise.
The focus of licensed counselors can vary greatly from one practice to another. For example: a licensed counselor in a school situation faces many different issues with at risk clients than that of a LPC whose practice focuses mainly upon the challenges of the aging population. Continuing education courses can reflect the different challenges faced by professionals in their areas of practice and the situations they and their clients face.
Whether or not there are formal counselor CE requirements depends upon the state issuing the license; however, many individuals who work in a government or a state agency may have CE requirements set by their individual agency. For example: state agencies may require a specific number of CEUs for counselors practicing under their auspices. Even if there are no continuing education requirements in place, the challenges of a counselor's client population and the techniques for approaching these challenges are constantly changing. It takes more than just the occasional periodical to keep up with these changes. Online continuing education for counselors can assist the extremely busy professional counselor in keeping current with these changes and the needs of their target population while allowing them to leverage their available time in a more efficient fashion.
The minimum continuing education requirements in most states is from 20 to 40 hours depending upon the US state. Some states will also have additional requirements that set a specific number of hours in a course requirement such as ethics or risk assessment. Renewal of the license will usually involve providing proof of completion in the applicable areas. License cycles for counselors run from one to four years in length, again, depending on the state.
Satisfying Continuing Education for Counselors Requirements for License Renewal
Depending upon the individual state the continuing education requirements can vary. Many states will permit a combination of educational experiences to count toward the renewal of their counselor CEUs. A LPC working on a doctorate or whose has papers published may also apply this experience to credit against their license renewal requirements. Traditional classroom courses may also be applied toward the State's CE requirements.
Perhaps one of the most innovative changes in continuing education for counselors is that of allowing credit for online courses. Many professional counselors are in private practice and the demands on their time are relentless. Most find that keeping up a personal life as well as a practice can be challenging and the requirements for CEUs may be simply one more thing on an already too full schedule. However, with online courses from a state board approved educational organization the burden of CE is notably less onerous, since courses and study takes place on their schedule. Selecting a continuing education class need not be a matter of taking what is available regardless of the content or its applicability to their practice.
Methods and challenges are constantly changing and the focus of the LPC must change with it. Additionally, changes in individual state laws require the licensed counselor be aware of their legal obligations as well as the ethics of sometimes entirely new situations. There are rarely grey areas in the laws that apply to the professional counselor and their responsibilities in reporting, and it is imperative they keep up with changes in the laws and current requirements. Continuing education for counselors in ethics and legalities is almost a professional necessity regardless of whether the state requires them for license renewal.
It is entirely possible to combine online counselor CEUs with offline seminars and other educational experiences to satisfy a state's requirements for renewal of the counselor's license. This can be particularly useful when the professional's state or employer's requirements include courses not available locally. In the real world very few professionals can take off on someone else's schedule to attend coursework in another city or across the state.
Choosing Continuing Education for Counselors Courses
Counselors choosing continuing education courses or CEUs to meet state requirements may have to choose specific course work according to their state requirements but in many cases, the professional will have the freedom to either explore new areas applicable to their current practice or investigate related areas. Rather than a chore required by a state; continuing education for counselors can permit them to expand their areas of expertise and bring new approaches into their practices.
Aspira Continuing Education is an online CEU provider for Professional Counselors. Aspira offers several courses with an easy to navigate/user-friendly website. Visit Aspira CE to obtain online Counselor CEUs. Aspira is a leader in online continuing education for cournselors. Visit Aspira today and see for yourself how simple, affordable and quick obtaining your CEUs can be.

Online Distance Learning Education - Myths Associated With Online Education

Online distance learning is gaining in popularity as the education method of choice for many students. However, it is still not as common as education obtained through traditional methods. There are several myths that are associated with obtaining an distance learning education. One of these myths is that online education schools are not as good as traditional schools. Online distance learning education can be as equivalently good as education obtained from a traditional school. The important thing to do is select the right online learning program. There are lots of quality programs that allow students to interact with specialist teachers and professors and learn through high-quality software.
Another common myth is that employers reject degrees from online distance education institutions. This is true for fake schools; however, there are plenty of accredited schools that offer online distance learning education opportunities and education from these accredited schools are accepted by employers. Many traditional colleges that have a distance learning program, and any certification awarded upon completion of such a program will not indicate that the courses were completed online.
Another myth associated with online distance learning education is that academic credits from online learning programs do not transfer to other colleges. As long as the credits are earned from an accredited school that offers online programs, the course credits will be transferrable to a traditional school. This is another reason to make sure to enroll in a program that is offered by an accredited institution. Another myth is that all accredited schools offer an exceptional education. An online school must be regionally accredited to ensure that it offers a quality education, as there are other accrediting agencies that do not have stringent standards.
Finally, another myth is that all online distance education programs are a shortcut to getting a degree or certification. While there are some accelerated programs available, there are also programs that allow students to work at a slower pace. Just like with traditional schools, there is variety in the types of programs available online. A good online distance learning program may provide an acceleration option just as traditional schools may provide acceleration options, but no reputable school will provide shortcuts to gaining an academic qualification. Programs that allow one to purchase degrees and other certifications are not accredited by a reputable accrediting agency.
Online education is worth considering. Once an individual is aware of the myths associated with an online education, he or she can properly decide if an online distance learning education program is the right option for them.
For more great information about an online college degree [], and online university degree programs [] visit our site today.

Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project - Step 3 - Project Research

So now that you've picked a really interesting topic, it's time for the next step...project research. Project research science fair projects is really important. Generally, the more research you have, the better prepared you will be.
Project Research
Project research is more than just topic research, or general knowledge about your topic. Research for science fair projects includes sources such as books, magazines, internet sources, your parents, your peers, etc. This research will often talk about past experiments and their conclusions.
Project research will not only help you to better understand your project and possible outcomes. It will also help you answer any questions of others (especially the judges).
Now that brings us to the two different types of project research: primary research and secondary research.
Primary Research
This research is the kind that you collect on your own. This is information from people, experiments, surveys, etc. This kind of research is not from written sources, such as books, magazines or newspapers.
If you're wondering who to interview for your science fair project, you actually have a lot of options. There are doctors, teachers, researchers, engineers, scientists, and much more. Maybe you have a close family friend or relative who can help. If you are doing an experiment about what makes up a plant cell in comparison to an animal cell, you can always even interview your very own science teacher.
Creating questions before the interview is a great idea. This not only helps you to organize some of your ideas, but gives you some background as well. Interviews can be person-to-person, over the phone, through a letter, or even through e-mail. If you interview in person, it is a good idea to tape-record the interview, if they say it is okay. In any event, it is smart to take notes during the interview. Obviously, there are no right or wrong questions to ask. Just be creative and make sure to cover everything!
Secondary Research
This research is the kind collected by others. This includes books, magazine articles, encyclopedias, internet sources, etc. It is a smart idea to record the sources as you go along to avoid plagiarism. A great place to start is your local library. Talk to the "reference librarian" there and tell her what your topic is. He or she can really help you find what you need.
If you want a complete guide to creating an outstanding science project, download the free e-book "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below.
Your next step is to download a free copy of Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects to lead you through your own project.
A great resource for science project ideas, as well as how to do them, is the science project blog. Definitely worth bookmarking.
Good luck!
About the Author Aurora Lipper has been teaching science to kids for over 10 years. She is also a mechanical engineer, university instructor, pilot, astronomer and a real live rocket scientist (You should see the lab in her basement!) She has inspired thousands of kids with the fun and magic of science.

Science Fair Project Ideas - Quick and Easy Project Number 3 - Paper Chromatography

If you are looking for science fair project ideas, then check out one of my favorite projects: paper chromatography. Paper chromatography is a surprisingly simple way to use chemicals on a piece of paper to help analyze the origin of other chemicals. This is one of the science project ideas that many students do if they are interested in criminal justice, as chromatography is a popular way for detectives to determine what chemicals have been where, which may help them to solve some police cases.
This is also one of my favorite science fair project ideas because it costs less than $20 to do, is completely safe, can be performed using materials that you probably already have in your house, and only takes a few hours (if even). Therefore, this is a rather easy project that is completely interesting too! Here's what you need to know in order to create your own paper chromatography project:
The goal of this project is to analyze what ink chemicals are used in a permanent marker.
In order to understand the background of this project, you may want to read a more in-depth introduction into chromatography basics. Basically, what you need to know in order to create the introduction is that chromatography is a chemistry experiment that uses the law of attraction to determine what chemicals are included in a particular item. Chromatography is used to determine the origin of bloodstains and drugs regularly in police investigations (again - why this is one of my favorite science fair project ideas).
Professionals use expensive equipment to analyze the source of certain stains or liquids. However, for this project, you'll only need a few simple materials.
Terms and Concepts:
You'll need to understand a few terms in order to complete this project successfully. You'll also learn more about these terms and concepts as a result of completing this experiment. Those terms and concepts include:
  • Adhesive and cohesive elements
  • Capillary action
  • Mobile and stationary phases
  • Hydrophobic and hydrophilic chemicals
  • Values
  • Chromatography
  • Solvents and solutions
Questions You'll Uncover:
Either before or during your experiment, you'll learn the answers to some important questions, including:
  • Why don't all chemicals react in the same way when they interact with paper?
  • Why do people use chromatography?
  • How does the way a compound reacts determine its exact chemical type?
Materials You'll Need:
Again, this is one of my favorite science fair project ideas because everything you need is probably already in your house. Here's your list:
  • Water
  • 15 strips of paper (should be the same size). If you can find laboratory paper or chromatography paper, use it. You may also be able to use other types of paper.
  • Ruler
  • Tape
  • Pencils
  • 3 types of black ink markers. One should be permanent.
  • A wide-mouth jar (this will hold the solvent)
Once you have your materials together, you're ready to begin. Here is the 10 step procedure you should use:
  1. Cut the paper into one-inch by four-inch strips.
  2. Draw a horizontal line across the paper 2 inches from the bottom.
  3. Pour enough water into your jar so that you can hang the paper from the top of the jar and just the tip of the water touches the paper.
  4. Using the first of three markets, make a small dot on the line.
  5. Label the strip with a pencil to describe what the marker is.
  6. Tape your paper to a pencil and place the pencil across the jar so that the paper hangs into the jar, just slightly touches the water.
  7. Wait for the paper to absorb the water until the water is almost at the top of the paper.
  8. Mark how far the water rose up the paper.
  9. Measure how far the water and the ink traveled on the paper. Calculate the values. Keep in mind that some of the markers might have ink that doesn't move.
  10. Repeat five times for all markers.
This is one of the best science project ideas because it really helps to show how chromatography works. Be sure to do your own research into chromatography before beginning the experiment in order to have an in-depth understanding of what you're seeing!
If you're ready to get going with your science project, your next step is to download a free copy of "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below right now.
For a step-by-step guide to easily creating a really awesome science project, download a FREE copy of Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects right now.

Implementing New Technology

There are amusing and horrific stories of the trials and tribulations associated with the transfer of technology, and the implementation of new systems and architecture. There are lessons that we can learn from those who have blazed the trails before us, and those who have been burned by the blaze. Get your fingers ready to count the five fundamental considerations for implementing new technology.
What we learned from Oracle
"The original plan was to transition the existing IT infrastructure to Oracle over a period of three months. It is three years later, and we think that we are almost done with our Oracle implementation." Does this sound familiar? if so, you have plenty of good company. Oracle is a powerful engine. It is high octane, scalable, and has flexible object oriented architecture to allow continuous growth and integration. So, what went wrong?
Quite often, in the eager anticipation to install the latest and greatest engine, the other parts of the car were forgotten or overlooked. Sure you have a powerful new engine, but your steering wheel is gone. It was replaced by a series of point and click drop down boxes to precisely instruct the car to turn at a specific angle. Do you want to make a 30 degree turn, a forty degree turn, or a 90 degree turn, right or left? Simply choose the appropriate item from the drop down menu and you will have the exact turn that you desire. Gone is that old fashioned and inaccurate steering wheel that required manual intervention and guidance to gradually adjust the turn in process, and installed is the precision turning device that is managed by your mouse. The problem is, nobody mentioned that the new steering mechanism was sold separately, and would take another six months to program. Nobody mentioned that everyone responsible for driving the car would have to learn a new steering methodology, lose the ability to make manual adjustments along the way, and need to learn to be more predictive and accurate in the selection of the accurate turn. Adjustments can be made along the way to correct a turn, with more point and click menu selections, if necessary. The extra time, design and development costs, and employee training are sold separately. You see, Oracles sells that powerful engine, not the steering wheel.
Does that sound funny or familiar? If it sounds familiar, then the humor is bitter-sweet. If it sounds ridiculous, then you have not experienced it yet. The steering wheel is only one example. Once the steering mechanism is programmed and put into place, then the other discoveries begin. That powerful engine comes with a speedometer and tachometer, so you can see your performance and the RPM of the engine. Isn't is exciting to see that you have only partially tapped into the incredible power of this magnificent Oracle engine? Unfortunately, if you rely on other dashboard devices like signals for turns, air conditioning, or a radio, then you have to build these things yourself. After all, the engineers of the engine realize that you turn on different roads than everyone else, you have personal preferences for your climate controls, and you have personal preferences for terrestrial or Sirius satellite radio stations. Therefore, you need to build the point and click objects, menus, and radio buttons to accommodate your personal preferences, and all the possible variations thereof. Someone forgot to mention that all of these functions and amenities need to be custom designed for each driver.
Once the common dashboard and control devices are designed, developed, and implemented, then the next wave of discovery begins. The old buttons, knobs, and dials are gone. Everything has been replaced with the convenient control of a single device, your mouse. That seemed like a wonderful convenience when it was first described to you. All of the controls are at two fingers on one hand. Once you are past the pain of installing all of the other controls at additional cost, it occurs to you that it might be a little complicated to switch between steering the car, sending a command to roll up the windows, turning on the air conditioner, selecting a radio station, and signaling your turn, all at the same time with one device. All of these things require a different set of menus, so you need to choose your work stream very carefully. Otherwise, you may run into the back of a truck while trying to turn off the heater, and turn on Howard Stern. Just then, it begins to rain, and you realize that the windshield wipers have not been coded yet.
Dear Larry Ellison, please forgive me if my sense of irony has inadvertently presented what could be perceived as an unflattering commentary. It is merely intended to make a point about proper planning for transition of technology. After all, you do build a beautiful engine.
So, what should we do?
1) Be Aggressive
It is appropriate to be aggressive when implementing new technology that provides a competitive edge. The competitive edge may be related to overall system performance that empowers employees to become more productive. A competitive edge may be a utility that empowers clients and customers to become more self-sufficient, like installing the ATM machine outside the bank for customer self-sufficient convenience. The competitive advantage may integrate multiple functions, partners, or streams of data that allow for more intelligent decisions or effective business. If the implementation, integration, or transfer to new technology is going to have a substantial and measured competitive advantage, then be aggressive about the pursuit of technology.
2) Be Cautious
If the transfer of technology touches upon the core competency or revenue of your business, then be cautious about making any significant changes. This does not mean that you avoid improving technology. It merely implies that it is appropriate to be more cautious in studying the ramifications and ancillary applications which may be impacted by even a subtle change to the code. There are horror stories from companies that implemented seemingly innocuous changes to billing, and then failed to produce invoices or statements for the clients. During this period of the transfer of technology, revenue was suddenly reduced. The result created financial hardship for the billing company, and for the disgruntled customers who suddenly received several months worth of accumulated billing once the invoicing system issues were resolved. Not only was this an impact on cash flow during the interruption in billing, but it impacted the relationship with the clients as well. Be aggressive about competitive opportunities to grow your profit and performance, but be cautious when it comes to implementing changes that may impact your core business offerings, clients, or billing.
3) Be Quick
Be quick to implement minor changes, and carefully monitor the impact. When it come to performance enhancement, internal suggestions for simplifying routines, or improving the customer experience, do not delay. Design the small changes, test the changes thoroughly, and create a schedule to consistently roll out enhancements. Quite often, the little enhancements have the biggest impact to business performance.
4) Be Slow
When it comes to major changes in the architecture or systems that sustain your business, be slow in implementing change. Frequently, the core architecture and functions of the business are the most efficient and streamlined. The processes that get the most use are the ones that get the most attention, and are often the most highly evolved. Unfortunately, these are also the processes that typically are selected for the first priority when it comes to implementing a transfer in technology. On the contrary, avoid the allure of focusing on familiar ground, and preserve the primary processes until the transition has been tested on some of the more complex, and less often utilized, utilities. By focusing development on the most complex and least used functions, there is tremendous knowledge to be gained by the experience, and the least amount of impact to the business. There are too many horror stories of companies that eagerly transferred the main processes, and then spent months or years working out the bugs that could have been identified by developing a much less needed or impactful part of the process.
5) Be Safe
There is no better time to address the vast array of potential security needs than during the design, development, and implementation of new technology. What personal data to you manage, process, forward, or store? This is not limited to credit card transactions or bank account numbers for wire transfers. Somewhere in the enormous archives of data, you are probably holding precious private information on every one of your own employees. Employee records contain social security numbers, bank accounts for direct deposit, names and addresses, and possibly even reference to medical coverage. Quite often we think about the pipeline to our customers, and forget about the goldmine of private information inside our own facilities. Don't we owe the same protection to our own employees?
Privacy data can include medical records, financial records, and personal information. Driver's license numbers, credit card numbers, or even matching email address with telephone numbers, are all potential risk to privacy. The threat is not limited to how people access the information from the outside, or the number of firewalls that you put into place. The threat is also from the inside, and what kind of information is available to employees and associates. How easy it is to look up client records and download the information to a thumb drive? How easy is it to copy the entire company database of customer information, account information, or intellectual property? What would it be worth to a disgruntled employee to take valuable client information to a competitor?
There is no better time than the present to have a security expert evaluate the potential breaches of privacy in your organization. If you have customers, credits cards, customer accounts, client information, intellectual property, financial information, medical information, or employee information stored electronically, accessible on a network, or printed in files, then it is time to consider security.
If you are in the midst of preparing for a technology transformation, design, development, integration, or implementation, then it is the perfect time to review all of the related documents with a security and privacy expert. If you are organizing all of this information, then why not take advantage of your efforts to protect your customers, your employees, and your business? Executives and management are increasingly being held responsible for ignoring or overlooking the potential security breaches in their respective organizations, both from protecting customers from external threats, and for controlling the actions of disgruntled employees. Mitigate risk to the company, and the executives of the company, by taking appropriate and reasonable precautions for expert analysis, controls, and privacy.
Words of Wisdom
"Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand."
- Putt's Law
"For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three."
- Alice Kahn
"There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology - the tendency to do what is reasonable even when it isn't any good."
- Robert Pirsig
"Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons."
- R. Buckminster Fuller
John Mehrmann is author of The Trusted Advocate: Accelerate Success with Authenticity and Integrity, the fundamental guide to achieving extraordinary sales and sustaining loyal customers. This revolutionary book applies peak management techniques and leadership skills, with common sense and practical applications to grow business, sustain loyal customers, and use personal talents for personal success.
John Mehrmann is author of The Trusted Advocate: Accelerate Success with Authenticity and Integrity. The book that is changing everything by reawakening personal values in business as a competitive edge

Geek - Now Chic For Women Who Love Technology

The rise in super sleek technology has made cell phones and i-pods as much of an accessory as a designer handbag.
Technology for women is big business as companies scramble to meet the demand of ultra-chic products targeted to women. Online stores like , CharmedGirlOnline, brings fashionable women's technology products together in one place to please savvy shoppers seeking the latest , most stylish technology products and accessories.
"We try our best to provide a one-stop shop for women's technology products like i-pods and cell phones in fashionable colors and styles," said founder Felicia Johnson. "Many of our technology accessories are in high demand by women who look at their technology purchases the same way as the purchase of their Christian Louboutins."
Sites like geeksugar are forming online communities where these women can review and discuss the latest in technology all in a woman-friendly environment. Even video game makers like Nintendo are offering games options like the Wii fit and making sure they have games that are appealing to girls and women. The site caters to this trend and makes sure that girl who loves video games have an information-laden forum in a world that has typically ignored them.
With geek fast becoming chic, the importance of creating technology with women in mind is essential for technology companies trying to separate themselves from the black and white boredom of typical technology products. New colors and thin, more attractive styling and games that reflect feminine style and values ranks up there with functionality when marketing to style-conscious women.